Saturday, April 27, 2013

Photos around Williamsburg as Elizabeth's Graduation Approaches!!

So yesterday was the last day of classes for our daughter, Elizabeth at the College of William and Mary. The last four years have really flown by. I'm sure over the next few weeks, I will be writing about her graduation and William and Mary. Today though I'd just like to show some of the photographs that my wife took on a trip down to the College. Now I am showing you the campus right now but rather some of the shots she took around the town this set focuses mainly on, what else animals.....

Now there are people who take pictures of horses, but Kathy captures the horse!

and the cow! Looks to me that she captures the essence of the animals!

a nice simple shot of a bird....again the bird seems to be watching her ..... what is that crazy lady doing??

Many times when she is not looking down, she's looking up at things that most of us don't even notice.... Or should I say, I don't even notice!!

Often making a simple shot look extraordinary!

Like I said I'll be posting other shots of the campus and Elizabeth over the next several weeks as we approach graduation day!!

While the following are not pictures Kathy took, they are related to William and Mary. The first picture is of the Wren Building. The building was the start of the College and is the oldest building in the US still used
for classes. Harvard is the oldest US college but their older buildings are not used as classrooms. According to tradition, when students enter the College they pass through the Wren building and meet the current students in the quad and sunken gardens in the center of the upper campus. When they graduate, they travel the other way through the building, and meet their parents, family and friends on the outside! On the last day of class, students graduating are given the opportunity to ring the bell in the Wren Building. Here's a picture of Elizabeth doing just that!

Congratulations to Elizabeth ans we'll see you soon!!

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